Exciting news: 
Peecho joins forces with Prodigi

Premium prints at the click of a button.

Upload any file and order high quality books, magazines and wall decoration directly to your doorstep.

Peecho module
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We make your file print-ready

No need to add print marks or extra margins, we make your file printer-friendly.

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No minimum volume

Peecho prints on demand. Whether you need one or a thousand prints.

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We ship everywhere

Our global print network prints closest to you and ships to your doorstep.

A wide variety of products that offer your audience lasting value

Print cover

Let users present their content as professionally designed books. Perfectly bound, they immediately draw attention from any coffee table or bookshelf.

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Arrow pointing right
Print cover

Nothing beats leafing through a printed magazine in perfect aspect-ratio, lush colors and quality paper that is sturdy to the touch.

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Painting against a wall
Wall Art

Do your art creators’ works justice by adding a tangible layer of stunning visual splendor on premium paper quality.

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A calendar

Let users create beautiful calendars, so they can admire and relive their pictured experiences all year.

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Painting against a wall
Aluminum dibonds

Our aluminium dibonds are dynamically-cut aluminium prints that will not fade or discolour with time thanks to UV resistance.

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Painting against a wall

Our print on demand canvases are printed on a premium, durable and resistant surface that stretches without cracking, separating, or flaking.

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Design tips for your file

We listed some important settups to be considered when preparing your file for printing. Following these guidelines will ensure a better result.

Read our guidelines
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Frequently asked questions

Which files can I upload to print-on-demand?

To be able to order a print via our print-on-demand service, you can upload different types of files. For books and magazines, you can use PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX. For wall decoration, you can use PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, JPG, PNG and GIF.

How do I set up my PDF document for a print-on-demand book or magazine?

In this video, we explain how to set up your PDF to print a book or magazine via print-on-demand.

How fast can you ship my print order?

Because all products are printed on demand, the delivery estimate depends on both production time and shipping. Paperbacks and magazines are ready for dispatch in 4 working days. Hardcover books usually take up to 4 working days to manufacture. Wall decoration takes 3 to 5 working days to be ready. Shipping within the EU and US takes between 2 to 5 working days. The rest of the world may take up to 10 days or more.

Do I need to add margins, cut marks or a spine to my file?

For all products, you do not have to add cut marks or bleeds – we will generate all those print artefacts for you. Each facility has different rules for spine width, cut marks and so on – that is why we have to generate them later in the process. We advise you to try to avoid placing text too close to the edge of each page. Check our Help Center for the complete guidelines.

Visit Help Center

Get started for free

Upload any file and order high quality books, magazines and wall decoration directly to your doorstep.