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Progressive-Street: “Our project is to show everyday life – real life – without glamorizing it.”

September 12, 2023
Blog|Inspiration|News|Peecho publishers|Photography|Publishing|Writing

What is Progressive-Street?

Progressive-Street is a gallery, an agency, and a small publishing house born as a dynamic venture dedicated to contemporary photography. 

Progressive-Street is also an international community of street photographers and photo reporters documenting the effects of globalization through their lenses. “Thanks to us, the street photographers, people see the real world,” says Progressive-Street Founder and Editor in chief Batsceba Hardy (aka Patrizia Rossi).

With its reporting and initiatives, Progressive-Street magazine opens a window on society through the images and words of the people who make culture. “Our project is to show everyday life – real life – without glamorizing it,” says Batsceba. 

The magazine seeks images that reflect truths and strives for a beautiful and aesthetical authenticity. Each issue is themed, for added interest and poignancy, and narrative photographs are accompanied with precise texts to identify places, people, and occasions.

What is the story behind Progressive-Street?

Batsceba Hardy has been active as a street photographer since 2006. “It commenced at a particular time in my life,” she tells Peecho. “I’m from Milan but moved to Berlin, and photography helped me integrate with my new life.” 

Batsceba has a degree in philosophy with a specialization in art criticism. Prior to creating a magazine of her own, she worked for several newspapers and magazines, and for a publishing house. 

The first Progressive-Street magazine issue was released in 2018. Batsceba’s decision to found Progressive-Street was partly motivated by her love for printed photos and the encounter with American born, South Korean based journalist Michael Kennedy, which gave her the confidence to embark on this new adventure.

What excites Batsceba the most about her job is helping authors show their stories to the world, looking for a theme for each magazine issue, and seeing the final product. 

Who are the people behind Progressive-Street?

Progressive-Street’s editorial staff is international and comes from Italy, England, South Korea, and Brazil. Contributing authors are scattered across the world as well. 

“Our strength consists in our numbers,” saysBatsceba. “We are many, yet connected through the virtual network […]. We reach a global audience thanks to Progressive-Street’s use of mainstream social platforms. We are increasing every day […], and our professional standards encompass all aspects of life, culture and politics; from New York City-to-Seoul-to-Varanasi-to-Tel Aviv-to-Berlin-to-Buenos Aires and to the smallest Italian town. 

We have chosen English as the language we speak in, but our contributors are of many different nationalities and translating is not easy. Meticulous editing is imperative to ensure the true meaning of each article and issue as well […]. Most people don't know how much hard work goes into the creation of each and every magazine. Each issue is a project and not merely a set of features from various photographers.” 

Why is Progressive-Street working with Peecho?

To the question of how Batsceba found Peecho and how Peecho has been helpful for her project, she replies: “I was looking for a solution that would allow me to print magazines without having to invest capital or organize a distribution network. I looked around and found Peecho, which among the organizations that offered this service, seemed to me the most interesting. I tried it and was happily proven right in my assessment.

I am satisfied, and I do not say this out of flattery, because when the product is wrong, I can report the error and I always find someone who listens to me and is prepared to put it right. This is important. We are aware that Peecho uses different printers, and this makes a distribution so international easier.”

Where can you find Progressive-Street?

Progressive-Street is available in digital and print. If you would like to learn more about the magazine, check out the following links:

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