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How to make a photo book in 10 simple steps

September 12, 2023
Sample hardcover and softcover photobook - printed by Peecho

Sample hardcover and softcover photobook - printed by Peecho

Life is full of precious moments. It’s only natural that we want to hold on to some of them forever. Whether you want to celebrate your marriage, remember the birth of your new baby or share your graduation pics with loved ones, photo books make excellent keepsakes. In this post, we’ll walk you through one of the fastest and easiest ways to make a photo book. Let’s get started!

Creating your photo book

One of the biggest advantages of printing with Peecho is that you don’t need to download complicated programs to craft a great-looking product. You can use any desktop publishing or word processing program that lets you export to PDF. Let’s take Microsoft Word for instance:

1. Fire up Word and start off by deciding how many pages you want your book to have. Create blank pages accordingly. The first page will be the front cover and the last page will be the back cover of your book.

Make sure to create your document with an even number of pages, and keep in mind that the end product may require you to have a minimum number of pages. For instance, our minimum for hardcover books is 24 (more info can be found on our catalogue).

2. Choose an image or a design for your cover. Drag and drop the image on your first page, resize it if necessary and position it using the middle center option in the format picture tab. (TIP: Check Vintage Printables for free, public domain images if you want a special design on your cover)

3. Insert a “text box” into your cover page and type the title of your book. Specify your desired font and size.

4. Go to the Pictures folder on your computer (or any folder containing the images you would like to have in your book) and start dragging and dropping the pictures you want on each page.

5. Resize the images as you see fit and position them using the middle center option, as described in step 2. Keep at least 1 cm of white space along the edge of each page to avoid misprints. (TIP: add captions under each image by inserting a text box)

Printing your book

Once you are satisfied with the document you have created, there is only a handful of things left to do to order a printed copy:

1. Save your document as a PDF

2. Go to www.simpleprintservice.com and upload your PDF

3. Choose your product type, its size and its color. And don’t forget the number of copies you want to order.

4. Fill in your shipping address and payment details.

5. Complete the checkout process, sit back, and relax. Your photo book will be printed by one of our trusty print partners and delivered to your door!