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Unapologetically savvy: B Louder magazine

September 12, 2023
Blog|Peecho publishers|Publishing

B Louder is a magazine for sophisticated, fashion-obsessed, and smart men and women who want to explore fashion, pop culture, lifestyle, and entertainment. It provides valuable tools to readers looking to explore their unique style and bring out inner confidence. Every month, B Louder features submissions from photographers, models, designers, authors, and creatives from all over the world. Ilze from Peecho talked to B Louder's Editor in Chief Jaskaran S. Dhillon about his decision to start a fashion magazine and the partnership with Peecho.

Please tell us about yourself -- you're not just a publisher but also a writer!

I’m a 22 year old guy who loves fashion, creating stuff, and writing. I have published a fiction book, Secrets As Legacy. I have Bachelor degree in Food Science and Technology, Advanced Diploma in Communication Skills, as well as a Certificate in Mass Communication and Video Editing.

How did you decide to start the B Louder magazine?

Honestly, one night when I wasn’t able to fall asleep, I had all these thoughts running around in my head. I kept thinking and thinking and I ended up deciding to start my own magazine. Inspiration can come from anywhere. This is exactly what happened when I made the decision to write a book. I was listening to a song and in that particular moment I decided to write a book. And I did that.

What is your magazine about?

B Louder is an international digital and print-on-demand magazine, born with the idea of sharing stories of individuals who explore new looks and new possibilities. It is designed for people who might never consider picking up a magazine in their entire life. It is for fashion-obsessed people. I created this magazine for those who want to be louder than ever before, because I believe: Don't Be Just Loud, B Louder.

How much time do you spend on crafting each issue?

It is a month long process from conceptualising the theme to finishing the final product. I enjoy doing it. This is something that I’m really passionate about, however, I’m studying Biotechnology right now so I’m creating these editions on the side.

What is the most exciting thing about being a publisher? And the most challenging one?

The most exciting thing about publishing magazines is that I get to create an entire issue every month from just a simple idea. That happens with the help of authors that submit to B Louder, of course. Every month, not only I work really hard to create an amazing issue but everyone who submits material to B Louder works even harder than me. The most challenging part is that it's sometimes difficult to meet deadlines.I believe that the one thing that motivates us all, me and the people who submit the material, is to keep going and create something incredible, every month.

Has it been easy for you to use Peecho as your printing partner?

Yes, Peecho has been very helpful to me and is an easy way to print and sell the magazine. I don’t have to worry about anything: Peecho does everything for me from printing to shipping. I would definitely recommend it to other publishers.

Do you plan to continue your publishing career after getting the degree in Biotechnology?

Yes, of course. I love doing what I do and I also love science. So, I know I'm going to do both. To buy B Louder in print, click here. Follow B Louder on Instagram (BLouderMagazine), Facebook (BLouderMagazine), Twitter (BLouderMagazine), or visit their website: https://bloudermagazine.com/

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