The Cyber Solicitor

High quality canvas, made in specialist facilities

Canvas prints from 28.90

Matte magazine
Matte magazine

Matte paperback from 5.86


The best canvas in the printing world
Canvas fine art stretched around frame. We use a 100% natural cotton 380gsm archival canvas and produce prints on canvas that have an archival rating of 75 years and are therefore guaranteed not to fade. Each canvas print is sealed using a fine art satin seal that helps prevent marking and scratching. The canvas is hand stretched around 40mm deep believed frame. Our frames are all hand-made-in-house and sourced from sustainable resources. The canvas print is then finished with acid free artists backing tape and supplied with fixing as well as hanging instructions.

Canvas prints from 28.90

Matte magazine

Professional matte magazine prints up to 500 pages.
Matte magazines are perfect bound. The cover is printed in full colour on MC paper, weighing 200 grams per square meter. Pages are printed on paper of 115 grams per square meter. The minimum number of pages is 16.

Matte paperback from 5.86